Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Southern Women

Sure, girls from New York, they are tough. And girls from Georgia, they are sweet. But those born and bred, feisty Oklahoma girls, they are the ones you have to look out for. We have sugar and fire in our blood. We can ride a horse, be a debutant, throw a left hook and tell you the entire UK line up all while making sweet tea. And if we have an opinion, you get to know it. We're both the pride and the downfall of the bluegrass

we are from the South, and we love to claim that we are.... we love our dirt roads, fallen apart train stop towns, and weeds we call Indian Paint brushes...

 I will be blogging our summer adventures of the old ghost towns in Oklahoma that we call "ours" :) Hope you enjoy... [pic: Layne, Elle, Mitch, grammy, Grant and Logan in Fallis Oklahoma, ghost town of the old Katy Railroad near Wellston, where my great grandparents once lived with my mom and are now buried]

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